The Manga Version Now Available!

On September 11, 2001, four commercial airliners were hijacked, two of which crashed into the north and south towers of the World Trade Center in New York, causing both buildings to collapse without a trace. What did the four firefighters who died that day while trying to save many people see, hear, and think afterwards? Were they ever reunited with their families and friends who had been separated from them? This is a true story that transcends life and death, a story that anyone can experience.

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The Firefighters -THE MOVIE~-
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Prayer of Love and Peace for the Invasion of Ukraine

Thank you so much for your praying with us for a week.

However, the invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces still continues. We, IAPG would like to continue this prayer.

Starting at 12:05 PM Japan time, we would like to join everyone in offering the "Prayer for Love and Peace" for "five-minutes".

We would also like to offer the 10-minute "Prayer for Love and Peace" with you at "18:00 Japan time", which is at "noon Moscow time".

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

- Prayer Campaign Notice -

Now, as members of the Spaceship Earth, we, earthlings, are grateful to be alive and nurtured by this Earth we love, and are here to protect this Earth.

However, still, we are stupid enough to make the mistake of destroying this planet again. Still, many of our friends around the world are aware of their stupidity and are beginning to speak out according to their divinity. We are about to change now.

May we all realize that we are one family, awaken, drop our weapons, throw away our guns, and choose to be considerate love, and help each other as one family.

Give us courage, hope, and the power to change. Give us great light. May this battle end as soon as possible, and the Earth start running towards the gPlanet of Loveh as soon as possible. May all 7 billion people work together to begin to transform this planet into a Planet of Love.

The Firefighters: Movie Version debuts online in the fall of 2021!


Virtual Concert

On December 17th, New Heritage Theatre Group & INAMORI Art Project Group premiered gAS ONEh, an international/global virtual concert.

Over 4000 viewers watched around the world, and people from countries including Japan, China, Ireland, India, South Africa, France, Thailand, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Zimbabwe, and the United States, have shared their appreciation and celebration after viewing the music of gAS ONEh and its message of LOVE and PEACE for all the people of the world.

Today we invite everyone around the globe to view this concert as our holiday gift to you on YouTube.

Happy holidays & God bless you ALL

Watch Now(Youtube)
Voice of the Audience - Kagoshima 2018
IAPG's Promotional Video 2018
"Love and Peace" Official music video
"Unification" Official music video

About the INAMORI Art Project Group (IAPG)

Overcoming the difference of racial, ethnic and religious difference, the Inamori Theatrical Group was established in March 2010, seeking for realizing the peaceful world with no conflicts based upon the recognition of us as Earthian Family living on the same earth. After that, the name was changed to the INAMORI Art Project Group (IAPG) in January 2012. In September 2012, IAPG made its first performance, "SAIKAI - REUNITED - Vow of HIROSHIMA -". IAPG has five units to promote its activities; Play Unit, Music Unit, Dance Unit, Art Unit, and Taiko Unit. Members from wide renege of age groups are working on these activities at the side of work and studies. In the theatrical company performances, these five units get together and perform as one general and synchronized art work.

INAMORI Art Project Group,
Its Vision & Principles

Each of us as a human being has "differences" with each other. The differences in gender, nations of birth, human races, skin colors, religions, ways of thinking, good points, and weak points. Nothing must be the same each other. However, there is only one common thing among human beings. It is "LOVE". Human heart wishing for happiness of someone else other than myself, the heart of "sharing" feeling like the suffering and sorrow of someone else like myself, and rejoicing like my own joy. It is the heart of forgiveness, thinking that even if someone makes a mistake, I am not perfect like God, too. "LOVE" is the human heart of "Sharing, Making Alive, and Forgiving".

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Messages from Noriko Inamori,
Founder of IAPG

Peace and Unification of Religions

If we build a peace, I think it is wholly dependent upon whether we human can notice that plants and animals are the same children of the earth, and all of us share the same destiny, standing on the perception we are brothers and sisters given the lives and made alive by the earth. If we notice it, we should not be able to destruct the environment. When we think about the next way the humans should go, I think it is to unify as one beyond the differences. When religious denominations are united as one acknowledging their differences and the meaning of their existence, I think all the problems will be melted in the idea called "love". At the time of the Meiji Restoration, Japan had closed the country to foreign commerce, but Ryoma Sakamoto and others raised the awareness of the stance of Japan in the world. Likewise, I would like to promote the awareness that we are living on the earth in the universe. When we stand on such a viewpoint, we cannot kill each other. At this moment, I wish to ask a favor of the religious leaders of the world. Beyond the boundary, now at this time, I would like you to join hands. I would like you to extend your hand from the side of the leader first.

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Our Works


Drama "Prayer of Mother Mary -A Miracle of NAGASAKI-"

This work is a tale in which the same person appears beyond the three periods of Edo, Showa, and the present age. Although there may be pointed out that the transmigration is a Buddhism thought and such thought is not in Christianity, we do not want to convey a Christian doctrine, but if there is a reincarnation, nothing was more foolish than the countries being opposed to each other and fighting for each other we thought. It is because probably we were once born in the country which we thought to be an enemy country. Read more


Drama "The Firefighters"

American terrorist attacks, that people all over the world was shocked. The incident was not the case of others, but it also carved deep shock and sorrow memory in the Japanese as well. Back in 2012, we visited St. Paulfs Church in New York where was the base for rescue operations for 9.11. There stored a lot of relics of the firefighters who passed away at their posts. Taking pride in their mission, those men fulfilled their duties. There is their chagrin, there is sadness of the bereaved families. Devoting our deep condolences to them, we produced this play. Read more



What we would like to tell is not only shouting loud, "Antiwar." With a beloved family, merely living peacefully without life being threatened. Is it a small wish common to all people of the world? I would like you to notice the common thought. Then, wars which wound each other will surely disappear. Neither hatred nor anger, but prayer for peace. It is the message we would like to convey. Read more


Short Musical "UNIFICATION"

Mr. Jett Edwards who produced Jackson Label resonated with the principle of IAPG, and he suggested "Let us make the New Gospel that tells what God really hopes." Our concept album "UNIFICATION" was completed by collaborating with Mr. Jett Edwards. Read more

Voice of Audience
